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Khoai Lang Thang - Travel Enthusiast

Khoai Lang Thang, the nom de plume of Đinh Võ Hoài Phương, stands out as a fervent traveler and storyteller with a particular affection for the roads less traveled in Vietnam.

Information and Details

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Khoai Lang Thang, real name Đinh Võ Hoài Phương, hails from Bến Tre and was born in 1991. The backstory of his nickname, "Wandering Potato," reflects his Mekong Delta roots and his pursuit of travel blogging, symbolizing his down-to-earth, approachable persona.

With a robust following across social media, including 2.5 million followers on Facebook, 2.29 million on YouTube, 1.7 million on TikTok, and 228 thousand on Instagram, Khoai Lang Thang has firmly established himself as a "national vlogger" through his engaging travel and culinary content.

His contributions to promoting local tourism and culture through his vlogs have made him a beloved figure online, earning him the endearing nickname "national husband" among his fans.

Khoai Lang Thang in Hoa Binh
Who is Khoai Lang Thang?

Khoai Lang Thang, or Đinh Võ Hoài Phương, has captivated the internet with his travel vlogs. Known for his warm voice, friendly and humorous nature, and handsome, sincere appearance, he has made significant strides in his career, appearing on various inspirational TV programs and maintaining a strong social media presence.

Embarking on a Travel Blogging Journey

Although he initially pursued a career in architectural engineering, Khoai's passion for travel led him to the world of travel blogging in 2017. Starting with no prior filming or photography skills, he dedicated himself to learning and improving, driven by feedback from his audience.

Exploring the culinary delights of Hoa Binh
Uncovering Hoa Binh with Khoai Lang Thang

In Hoa Binh, Khoai Lang Thang explores the serene landscapes and the vibrant culture of the Muong and other ethnic groups. His videos offer a glimpse into the everyday lives, traditions, and cuisines of the local communities, making his viewers feel like they're part of the journey.

Tasting Hoa Binh through Khoai's Experiences

Khoai's journeys through Hoa Binh reveal the region's culinary diversity, from traditional Muong dishes to modern Vietnamese cuisine. His storytelling brings the flavors of Hoa Binh to life, highlighting the connection between food, culture, and community.

Khoai's Must-Do Experiences in Hoa Binh

For Khoai Lang Thang, the essence of Hoa Binh lies in its rivers, mountains, and the warmth of its people. He recommends exploring the Da River by boat, visiting the Hoa Binh Dam, and immersing oneself in the local festivals to truly understand the spirit of this beautiful province.

"Hoa Binh is a testament to Vietnam's natural beauty and cultural richness, a journey into the heart of the country."

Exploring Beyond Hoa Binh with Khoai Lang Thang

While Hoa Binh is a key focus, Khoai Lang Thang's adventures span the length and breadth of Vietnam and beyond. His dedication to showcasing every destination's unique story invites his audience to discover new horizons and experiences through his eyes.

Khoai Lang Thang's serene moment in Hoa Binh
Why Khoai Lang Thang is a Favorite Among Brands

Thanks to his widespread appeal and genuine content, Khoai Lang Thang is a preferred partner for brands across various industries. His ability to weave stories around his travels makes him an effective influencer for promoting tourism, culinary experiences, technology, education, and fashion.

Partnering with Khoai Lang Thang

Brands in the travel, food and beverage, tech, education, and fashion sectors will find a valuable ally in Khoai Lang Thang. His authentic connection with his audience and insightful content offer unique opportunities for meaningful collaborations.

How does Khoai Lang Thang ensure the authenticity of his Hoa Binh vlogs?

By engaging directly with local communities, seeking out off-the-beaten-path experiences, and emphasizing the stories and voices of local people, he ensures his content remains authentic and true to the spirit of Hoa Binh.

Khoai Lang Thang's serene moment in Hoa Binh
What attracted Khoai Lang Thang to Hoa Binh for his travel vlogs?

The allure of Hoa Binh for Khoai Lang Thang lies in its serene landscapes, the vibrant life of its ethnic communities, and the region's less explored nature, offering a canvas to portray the peaceful yet rich cultural essence of Vietnam.

How does Khoai Lang Thang differentiate his content in Hoa Binh from other regions?

In Hoa Binh, he focuses on showcasing the province's tranquility, its cultural diversity, especially the lifestyles and traditions of the Muong people, and the natural beauty that distinguishes Hoa Binh from more tourist-heavy destinations.

What unique experiences has Khoai Lang Thang discovered in Hoa Binh?

Unique experiences might include exploring the mystical caves of Hoa Binh, participating in a traditional Muong ceremony, or discovering the culinary secrets of local ethnic dishes that offer viewers a glimpse into the soul of the region.

Follow Khoai Lang Thang's captivating journeys and get inspired to explore the diverse landscapes and cultures of Vietnam and beyond.



9, Vũ Phạm Hàm, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam